Directional Wave Gauge (S4ADW InterOcean System)


The S4 Directional Wave Gauge includes two sensors:

  • electromagnetic biaxial current meter
  • pressure transducer
  • datalogger for both the devices which measure at 2 Hz


The S4WD is usually set as follows:

  • wave parameters measured at 2 Hz with bursts lasting 20 mins for each half hour.
  • internal spectral analysis by means of FFT on 2048 samples
  • currents and water depth (above sensor) acquisition at 2 Hz every 5 mins


The wave parameters registered by the instrument are: Hav (Average Wave Height), Hs (Significant Wave Height), Hmax (Maximum Wave Height), H1/10 (Average on One Tenth of of the Greater Waves), Tp (Peak Wave Period), Ts (Significant Wave Period), Tz (Zero Crossing Wave Period), Tmax (Maximum Wave Period).